Nicholas Provenghi

Internet Wonderkid
Grab My Resume

Meet Nick

Hey there… again.

Congrats on finding the about page. You deserve to get to know me a little bit better, and I’m happy to make that happen.

The Professional Third-Person Aficionado

Born in El Paso, TX in 1996, Nicholas showed promise at a young age, testing into second grade at the age of five. While graduating high school at 16 would’ve put him into a semi-outstanding category of students, Nick’s parents put him one year ahead, leading to him graduating at 17, immediately into an unsure future. Dabbling in international business and graphic design for a while, he ended up at the University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, TX in August 2015, and flourished. By the end of his collegiate career, he’d earned a 3.3 GPA, a managerial position at the campus student-run magazine, a position as a college radio DJ, entrance into numerous professors’ good graces, and, most importantly, a Bachelor’s degree in Emerging Media and Communication.

The 26-Year Old Wonderkid

Obviously, I’m not just a collection of decently-impressive academic accomplishments; while those might be important, it’s also worth noting these fun facts:

  • I’m the third of four kids, all of whom have done some pretty cool things. But, as a middle child, I had to do things exceptionally well to stand out. Which I did.
  • My one progeny is my seven-year old cat, Kepler, and I would fight an army for him.
  • Since 2014, I’ve been an out and proud queer man. The experience of coming out and being out is one that I value deeply, and my identity is a huge inspiration to my work.
  • One day, my homemade cold brew will put Starbucks out of business.

Cyberstalk Me!

While I poured my heart, soul, and cookies into this website, it’s not my only online presence, not by a long shot! Find me at:

  • Substack, and my newsletter Internautics, where I take a look at the intersections of media, identity, and technology in our digital world.
  • Twitter, @internautics_ for all the Hot Takes of the Day.
  • LinkedIn, /nicholas-provenghi, where you can find more of my skills and things I find interesting in the career-sphere (my second favorite sphere, after the atmo-).
  • E-Mail me directly to get in touch with me about opportunities I can fill, questions I can answer, or things that you need to sell.

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